Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Long December

"A long December and there's reason to believe,
Maybe this year will be better than the last..." 
-Counting Crows

Wow, it's nearly 2014! Where did the year go? 

Every December as I listen to one of my favorite songs, I reflect on the year... I started 2013 off incredibly ambitious with 13 goals/resolutions - one for every month of the year, plus a bonus one:

1. Learn how to drive stick
2. Learn how to cook
3. Always dance like no one is watching (and don't get nervous when people are)
4. Have my very own Zumba class
5. Get 100% in Guitar Hero playing "My Name is Jonas"
6. Finish projects that I start
7. Make more jewelry
8. Do at least a couple of crafts that I've pinned on Pinterest
9. Take more pictures
10. Learn how to french braid my own hair
11. Read more books and write more letters
12. Inspire others
13. Live well, laugh often, and love much <3

I've realized that I've yet to complete many of them. Don't get me wrong, 2013 was a great year for me! I ended up with not one, but two of my own Zumba classes. I studied my booty off and passed my AFAA Primary Group Exercise certification with a 97%... Which led to me making a BIG decision to go back to school to study kinesiology in January! 

However, English was always one of my favorite subjects in school. I love to read and if I had to pick my favorite Disney princess, I'll always choose Belle... I'd kill for that library! But I'm not much of a writer - never have been, never will be. 

Which brings me to here. 

I feel like as each year passes, I struggle to remember the previous year. My big resolution for 2014... Write. 

And just like that, my blog was born...

I'm not sure what this is going to become, but I hope you'll stay with me through the journey!

2014, here I come! Full speed ahead! :)

Until next time... Stay sparkly!
