Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rejection (and Other Things That Happened...)

Well, it's been a month since I last posted, and if you couldn't tell by the title, I was rejected from 24 Hour - again. To add insult to injury, I got the rejection email not once... not twice.... but FIVE times in my inbox. Ouch.

I didn't even interview with them! Ugh! Hate the lack of any personalization :(
On to bigger and better things, I suppose. But I can't lie, the rejection hurts even more the second time around.

School is going okay. I dropped my biology class after the first week. I would've never made it through May taking both bio and chem - not sure what I was thinking attempting to take 9 units of science my first semester back at school. Not to mention the final would've been on my birthday... Thanks, no thanks!

Studying hard or working on my Zumba playlists?
I ending up missing a lab and a quiz for chem while I was at the Zumba Conference (more on that coming next blog post). I can't make up the lab, but the lowest lab score gets dropped at the end of the semester. I spent hours stressing myself over the stupid quiz (25 points) as I missed two lectures, and without having the lab or quiz contributing to my grade, I basically am considered "failing" the class.

So I scheduled a time for a makeup quiz (although my professor almost didn't let me take it! I'm not allowed to miss any other important quiz or exam dates - Yikes!) and left feeling not so great about it... 

Ummm, yeah... Nailed it! Well, almost! 89%
I ended up doing MUCH better than I thought... Maybe I'll stick this class out a little longer after all :)

Stay sparkly,

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