Thursday, August 28, 2014


It's official... I suck at life.

Okay, maybe not at life, but certainly at this blog.  

Some updates in my world: Summer was long and financially draining. The girl I babysit was out of town or in camps half the time, so my bank account quickly dwindled down to double digits. Not fun. 

In an attempt to make up for lost funds, I subbed any and all classes that came my way - even Stroller Jam. "No" was not in my vocabulary. I ended up subbing a gazillion classes at the Y. Yup, a gazillion. 

Funny story about that... The Y sent off this email the other day, saying that they wanted to recognize all the instructors who subbed more than 10 classes between May and August. Thinking I'm definitely one of them, I scan the list - only I'm not on it. At this point, I'm totally bummed and feeling wayyyyy under appreciated. Then I scroll down a few more lines: "...And our SUPER SUMMER SUB of 2014 is... Kristyn C!" 

Ha. :)

That being said, I have been feeling way less than sparkly. Is Mercury in Retro? My mood tends to get all outta whack when that happens.

School started last week - 2 online classes: Psychology and Kinesiology. Bring on the fun! Then all I have left is Biology and I'll have my Associates Degree.

Started my new job last week too. New babysitting gig Monday - Thursday. The kids are a ton of fun and it doesn't interfere with Zumba. I also got asked to start back up at Thinker Things. Yay for them wanting to work around my crazy schedule, and double yay for getting to wrap presents!

My 3 year wedding anniversary was yesterday - all together now, "Awwww!" Should you feel the need to see an overload of baby Kristyn and the hubby, click the link below (opens in a new window). Talk about a Throwback Thursday!

K-Squared's Wedding Slideshow

Yes, my hair is black. Yes, I made my necklace. Yes, out of Legos. Yes, hubby is wearing a Lego boutonnière. We are nerds, what do you expect?! 

We are celebrating by going to Disney tomorrow, and it's sadly the last time we are going for awhile. Our passes both expire on Monday, and we just didn't get enough use out of them this year. Boo.

I was crafty over the past few weeks and made a couple of "Awesome Jars" for birthday presents. Literally, it is a jar full of reasons why I think that person is awesome. I think they were well received, and these didn't break the bank. I like to think they brightened the recipient's day... I'd be stoked if I got a jar like this: 

Okay, I guess that's about it for now! I'll try to keep you all in the loop - but no promises! 

Stay sparkly,

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is like the third time I have tried to post a reply. Nothing has shown up so far, so sorry for the repeat posts if they all eventually make it out of the internet black hole. You do not suck at blogging. Blogging suckage entails starting a blog with one post and never completing a second. Thus you do not suck. BTW, have you watched Lauren Fitz's newest videos? I am obsessed with Horns Blow, you should totally add it. -Samantha
