Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Musings

Yay, it's Monday! 

(Said no one, ever.)

More exciting, is that it's SEPTEMBER! Holy crap. I am finally, finally, FINALLY insured! Sweet lord, hallelujah! I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so hopefully they can get to the bottom of why I've been feeling like crap for the past few months.

Anyone else ready for this awful heat wave to end??? I know, we live in Southern California. It is perfect 85% of the year and I really have NO right to complain. However, my body has a comfort level of 69 - 74 degrees. Yup. That's it. Any cooler and I'm FREEZING (and of course, I refuse to wear pants - #kristynhatespants), and any warmer and I'm melting. I hate it. If it hits 80+, I'm straight up miserable. 

Disney was great, but I'm totally bummed to not have passes anymore. We'll see how long that lasts. 

My favorite moment from our day:

Belle. Selfie.

That happened. 

I may or may not have pushed kids out of my way to ensure a picture with her. I more or less lose my shit every time I see her or Mary Poppins at Disneyland. 

Over at California Adventure, we rode "Tower of Terror", per usual. It's not a Disney trip if we don't make it on the ride... Fun fact: I named my dog, Twilight, after the ride. I own almost the entire series on DVD. She is NOT named after the terrible vampire books (and even more terrible vampire movies).

Isn't she a love?! That's from the first couple weeks I had her...

And there's a more recent pic... I adore her little gray beard! :)

Well, I guess that's it for now. Not too much happening in the exciting world of Kristyn. Although, maybe something to note: Hubby is planning to change the word, "Yes" to auto correct in my phone to "No", because I apparently have a hard time turning things down. So if you ask me if I'd like a million dollars, and you get "No" as a response, I'd go ahead and assume my phone has been officially hacked! ;)

Stay sparkly,

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