Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I woke up today actually excited to get to the doctor. That excitement, was sadly, short lived.

First things first, had to go on campus to take a Psych exam... Weeeee! 


Then straight from there, I take off for good 'ole Carmel Valley where my doctor office is located.

Well, nothing could be simple or easy for me, could it? I get there and they ask for my new insurance card, which I happily oblige - Oops, gave them my vision insurance card first (OMG, I have vision?! New glasses after having the same pair since 6th grade?!? Score!)...

Then they drop the bombshell.

I AM currently insured, but unfortunately (despite my husband assuring me multiple times I had the same doctor), I am no longer in their network.

What. The. Crap.

Are you KIDDING me?! 

So now it's the 9th of September... I called two weeks ago to make the appointment to try and get in at the beginning of the month with my doctor (only to be told she's booked up solid), and now she's not even my doctor and I basically have to start the process all over with someone else in a new office?!

I'm so sick of feeling like crap all the time, and I was so happy to finally get it taken care of. That's when the tears start, and more or less don't stop for hours.

I basically threw myself into a self-induced, panic attack mess. I feel terrible for whomever I talked to at Sharp (my new network), because I could barely spell my last name when trying to schedule - yet another - appointment.

I finally pull it together before I have to work, but I was more or less rendered useless. Luckily for me, it was just my babysitting gig, and the cutie pie wasn't feeling so great either. We both just moped on the couch all day... Which is not too different from most days, but was nice to have company.

Since I knew I was basically useless to the world and tried to get a sub for my 7 p.m. Zumba class. No luck. Naturally. Only I bend over backwards to help someone out to sub. No one ever seems to return the favor when I need it most. I head back home for the hour and a half before class.

Commence epic meltdown, part 2.

I couldn't breathe, that's how hard I was crying. Ugh.

I end up knocking myself out and crashing on my bed for a good 20 minutes. 

Can today just be over?

Class was brutal for me. I'm dying of heat (like most native Southern Californian's, I have a comfort level of between 69 and 74 degrees) and combined with today's events, I'm more than ready to just crawl back into bed. 

Only, it's way past 9 p.m. and I'm still awake. 


My new doctor's appointment is next Wednesday now. Hope you are feeling way more sparkly than me. 


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